Stop & Shop
Stop & Shop is a steadfast partner of the Food Bank, donating food, funds and manpower in support of our work. Stop & Shop is a presenting sponsor of the Food Bank’s Empty Bowls fundraiser and of the WJAR Souper Bowl of Caring Telethon. The grocer donates turkeys during the holiday season, conducts register donation campaigns and volunteers at the Food Bank. Learn more about Stop & Shop’s philanthropic efforts.

Each year, BankRI coordinates its Summer Food Drive to coincide with the timing of the Food Bank’s summer efforts and a time of high need in our community. Along with the food donated at its branches by customers, colleagues, and community, BankRI’s generous financial support helps the Food Bank and many of its member agency pantries acquire more food when it’s needed most. Learn more about BankRI’s philanthropic efforts.

Shaw’s Foundation
We’re thrilled to recognize the Shaw’s Nourishing Neighbors Foundation for their grant of $20,000 to support the Food Bank’s Meals4Kids program. This funding will enable the creation of 1,333 Meals4Kids boxes, which contain 5 days of healthy breakfast and lunch foods. The boxes are designed to help fill in the gaps when kids are not receiving meals at school. We are grateful for Shaw’s (part of the Albertsons Companies) ongoing support. Learn more about Nourishing Neighbors.

Dunkin Joy in Childhood Foundation
Thank you the Dunkin Donuts Joy in Childhood Foundation, for their generous donation towards the Food Bank’s Kids Cafe program. Kids Cafe provides evening meals to 4 after-school sites across the state for kids at risk of hunger. Dunkin’s contribution will allow us to continue to provide healthy, fresh and culturally relevant meals to over 400 kids a day, 5 days a week.